Monday, January 24, 2022

IELTS Task 1 - Pictorial Graph: The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's weather forecast process

The pictorial graph illustrates the weather forecasting process used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to produce reliable forecasts.

It is clear from the graph that mainly four steps are involved in the process - Collecting incoming information, analysis & forecasting, preparing the broadcast, and streaming the broadcast. The first stage gathers the incoming information via satellite, radar, and the drifting buoy.

The second stage examines and forecasts the weather based on the previously collected information—this stage processes all data from satellite imagery, radar screen readings and the synoptic chart. Eventually, the compiled data is fed into a computer to prepare the final broadcast.

Once the data is compiled, processed and edited, it is broadcast to the public in the form of weather updates by the TV newsreader, radio news bulletins or as a recorded announcement over the phone.